The Lights go Out at 12

Can you Escape?

What is our project about?

Our goal is to create a new type of escape room that is more interactive, more intuitive, and more autonomous. Using embeded systems and integrated computing would allow for a totally unique escape room experience, providing a fresh breath of air in an otherwise stale marketplace.

This escape room experience will be themed after the digital scare that was Y2K. All aspects (other than subjective safety concerns) will be autonomous, using several microcontrollers and electromechanical devices.

How will the room work?

Puzzles in the room are centered around the player clock which the team can manipulate for certain events to occur. Past 8:00, a monster will appear outside of windows and occasionally look into the room. If a player is in line of sight of this monster, the team will incur a penalty to the amount of time they have to complete the room (game clock). The team will also have less time if they let the player clock reach midnight. There are two times that players need to keep track of. The first time is the time players have to complete the room (game clock). The second time is the clock that drives events in the room and which players can manipulate. This clock is constantly ticking, and the farther the players get into completing the room, the faster it ticks (player clock)

Keep scrolling for a demo video!